About “Take A Stand Committee”


Take A Stand Committee is a community, from the commnity, dedicated to making the community safe for our children. We work locally to dismantle belief systems, social structures and institutional practices that oppress women and children and dehumanize men themselves. We look to the violence against the young members of our community movement to keep the reality of the problem and the vision of the solution before us. We believe that all forms of oppression are interconnected. Social justice work in the areas of race, class, gender, age and sexual orientation are all critical to ending violence against our youth.

We have partnered with various other outreach groups, churches and local successful businessman, to formulate positive, realistic concepts. For example, a “Real Allies Breakfast”, which we envision a non-judgmental open forum, a safe, friendly environment in which a small group of individuals can openly talk about the issue of this senseless violence and how we, as leaders, as parents and as human beings, could do our part” to promote healthy living , awareness within a safe family environment.

“Hope isn’t about believing we can change things. Hope is about believing what we do matters.”


Our mission is to reach out to the community to try to eradicate the senseless act of violent crimes by empowering individuals and families and providing alternatives for the at-risk youth.

The joint effort of service organizations, churches and community members will promote unity by pooling resources to inspire the youth, get them involved and provide them with leadership, job training and education.

TAKE A STAND Committee Officers

JANICE SUMLER – Chief Executive Officer

CHERYL SUMLER – Chief Financial Officer